Would you like your boat cover cleaned and waterproofed?

Specialist in cleaning and impregnating boat covers 
As a professional sail and tent cleaning company we specialize in cleaning and impregnation boat covers. The cleaning process, the Soaking Method, is labor intensive, but it is the only way to clean safely and thoroughly all kinds of cover fabrics.

What can we remove from your boat cover?

Depending on the age and condition of the boat cover, we can remove the following from your tent or boat cover fabric:

  • green deposit
  • mold
  • mildew
  • rain stripes
  • rust
  • grease stains
  • spinning poo
  • spots of the mosquitoes and flies
  • atmospheric pollution

The perfect cloth cleaners and waterproofing products

We only use cleaning agents, impregnating agents and coatings we have developed ourselves. By combining impregnation systems and the very high dose of active ingredients in our products, we have developed products that do what they should do. Namely, REALLY, clean and protect. Look at our webshop www.ultramarxl.com